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The art of maturing winemakers' dreams

The art of maturing winemakers' dreams

Wines are like a symphony of flavors and aromas that evolve over time until they reach their peak. The process of wine maturation has a unique charm that reflects the influences of the environment, the commitment of the winemaker, and the skill of the vintner. In this blog, we will explore the art of maturing wines made from Rebula grapes, tracing their journey from the vineyard to the moment they are finally savored in perfect harmony.

Wine is a work of art!
Vintner's selection:

The maturation of wine truly begins in the vineyard. Climate, soil, location and the age of the vines, along with careful vineyard management, all influence the quality of the grapes, which will determine the flavors and aromas of the wine. The right decision about harvest timing is crucial, as it affects the final balance between acidity, sugar, and phenolics, which will be the basis for maturation.

Work in the cellar - maceration and fermentation:

After harvest, the grapes arrive in the cellar, where the philosophy of the cellar and the work of the winemaker, oenologist, and cellar master are reflected in the processes of maceration and fermentation. At Medot, a portion of the selected grapes is gently pressed immediately, while another portion undergoes maceration for 12 hours before pressing, in preparation for two different Rebulas, the fresher Rebula Journey and the more complex Golden Époque. The must is cooled to 8°C and clarified, followed by controlled fermentation at 16°C after two days. Fermentation temperature and yeast selection are key factors influencing the wine's final structure and aroma. At Medot, fermentation takes place in stainless steel tanks, preserving the freshness and purity of the varietal characteristics.

Wooden barrels and maturation:

One of the key factors influencing the aroma, flavor, and texture of wine is the maturation process - the time when wine develops in barrels and containers made of different materials such as stainless steel, wood, concrete, or clay. At Medot, the maturation of Rebula takes place in stainless steel tanks and oak barrels. Oak has traditionally been the most popular wood for making wine barrels. Wooden notes such as vanilla, toast, spices, and others gradually integrate into the wine, adding complexity. At Medot, for the maturation of Rebula on fine lees in barrels, we use barriques and tonneaux, each type of barrel bringing unique characteristics and contributing to the complexity and richness of the wine. This part of the process is a true art that requires attention to detail and an understanding of the impact of wood and micro-oxygenation on the final product. Barriques are smaller oak barrels with a volume of 225 liters. These barrels allow for more intense wood contact with the wine, contributing to a richer taste, complexity, and structure. Tonneaux are larger oak barrels with a volume of 500 liters, allowing for a more subtle influence of oak on the final product. A larger barrel has a smaller effect on the wine's aroma, with its influence being more gentle and refined. In the maturation process, each barrel matures differently, as they are toasted differently, and the porosity of the wood varies. When our oenologist blends the wine from barrels in the final stage, these nuances come to the fore. Through tasting, he will select the "right" barrels that suit the desired wine style we envisioned at the beginning. It is precisely in the blend of Ribollas of different maturation that the magic of the taste of our mature wines resides. The Rebula Golden Époque ages for 12 months in barrels of both sizes and you can perceive a hint of oak-aged Rebula even in our freshest wine, the Rebula Journey, which is mostly aged in stainless steel.

"Sur lie" and "Batonnage":

Many winemakers practice the maturation process on lees (sur lie), where the wine remains on the lees after fermentation, contributing to fullness and creamy texture. Regular stirring of fine lees in the wine (batonnage) further enriches the structure and flavor of the wine.

It is also worth mentioning that oak barrels are used for several years in the maturation process, so the age of the barrel is also important each time. It is important to note that excessive use of new barrels can overshadow the subtle aromas and characteristics of white wines. Exploring the effects of barrel maturation is like a journey through time, where new dimensions of flavors and aroma are revealed each time. For true wine lovers, this is an invaluable experience that transports them into the magical world of winemaking.

Wine is a work of art!

Wine maturation is an art that requires patience and experience. From grape selection in the vineyard to gentle and proper handling in the cellar, each step contributes to the uniqueness of the final product. White wines, such as Rebula, can be fresh and vibrant or complex and mature, depending on the winemaker’s preferences and the oenologist's approach. At Medot, we believe in the harmony of taste and the balance of all wine parameters. With our labels Rebula Journey and Rebula Golden Époque, we have created wines that express the maximum potential of Rebula through our eyes, while remaining true to the principles of our founder, Zvonimir Simčič, that harmony and balance are the most important factors in wine.

Discovering wines with different aging methods is truly a sensory experience that reveals a wide range of flavors and aromas characteristic of each individual bottled gem. When you visit us at Medot's estate, don't miss the opportunity to taste it for yourself.

Wine is a work of art!
Wine is a work of art!