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Magnum sparkling wines for celebrators and connoisseurs

The best sparkling wines when you want to impress

"I remember my first encounter with magnum wine when, on the occasion of the gala banquet for the visitors of the exclusive MasterClass Brda Home of Rebula wine event, attended by famous wine critics from all over the world, the participating Brda winemakers brought their magnum bottles... I probably would have thought that it was just logistically easier to bring fewer bottles, but the excitement that bubbled up among the participants is etched in my memory and today I know why that is." Anyone would have a similar memory of their first encounter with magnums. Magum is a first-class choice for celebration, but also a top choice for true connoisseurs.

Why is sparkling wine in a magnum bottle better than sparkling wine in a regular bottle?

For those who don't know, magnum is the term used to describe the size of a 1.5 litre bottle, so it is double the size of a normal 0.75 litre bottle. But that, of course, is no reason to get so excited. The answer is really simple - it tastes superb. The wine preserved in magnum bottles tastes younger and fresher, and the sparkling wines always taste better than when matured in normal-sized bottles.

3 key reasons why sparkling wines taste better in magnum bottles:
  1. Sparkling wine in a magnum bottle matures slower and better. Twice as much wine is in contact with the same size bottle neck as in a normal bottle. And why is this important? Because air with oxygen is trapped in the throat, so when the effect of oxygen is reduced relative to the volume, the development of the wine is slowed down - the wine retains its liveliness for longer and ultimately produces a more complex and harmonious flavour.

  2. There is more wine in a magnum bottle and less empty space between the wine and the cork, so oxidation is less likely.

  3. And finally, we can rely on the results of the tasting - Decanter evaluated pairs of regular and magnum bottles from almost 20 selected Champagne cellars.

Both Decanter's experts and the best restaurants, wine shops and producers nod - bigger is better when it comes to wine. Why is that, they say, they have the answer in a note from award-winning British premium wine broker The Walley Wine Shop: Magnum or Single Bottle? Which is better? We have the answer... There are bigger bottles than the magnum, but the same large neck and cork characteristics of the traditional bottle no longer apply, so when flirting with bigger bottles, look for some more credible advice, say in Decanter's article Champagne: why size matters.

A magnum bottle will always impress

The magnum is sure to turn heads, it's aesthetic and elegant, and it'll look very convincing in your instagram shots ;)

Whether as a gift, to entertain the most demanding connoisseurs or for a romantic evening. When you're celebrating, there's no doubt you'll impress your guests with a magnum bottle that's just the right chill - and don't worry, you'll be able to open it just as you normally would and it'll fit nicely in the fridge at home too.

Uroš Fakuč, DAM

Fine, magnum, but what if I don't drink it all at once?

Today, that's no longer an issue. In cooperation with the House of Good Wines Koželj, we recommend magnum sparkling wines together with the innovative Zzysh®Champagne stopper from the Swiss manufacturer, which will help to preserve the taste, bubbles and freshness of the wine in the bottle. The sparkling wines will be in the same condition as when they were opened for several weeks afterwards.

Wine is a work of art!
Medot magnum degustacija – vabljeni, da se osebno prepričate!

Če še niste prepričani, pa vas vabimo v Brda na degustacijo naših penin iz magnum in običajnih steklenic. To je res zanimivo videti. Neverjetno je, kako je penina v običjani steklenici 0.75 izgleda polno dozorela, isti letnik in ista polnitev v magnum steklenici pa je mlajša in še mnogo bolj sveža.

Pokličite nas ali nam napišite svoje želje za termin za degustacijo:

+386 5 9336 160

Domačija Medot

Wine is a work of art!

O magnumih penin Medot

»Vsako leto se kot vinar odločiš za magnum. Izbereš manjšo količino, ki predstavlja nekaj boljšega, nekaj več. Opazuješ trgatev, kakovost grozdja, kakovost vina, nato pa se na podlagi vsega tega odločiš, koliko steklenic boš polnil v magnume. Ko se v steklenicah pri klasični metodi ustvarja penina, se v njej spreminja aromatika, barva in struktura. V običajnih steklenicah gre vino v bolj zorilne note, toni so bolj medeni, prikličejo ribana jaboljka, jabolka, hruške, kvasne note. Če pa je v steklenici večja količina vina in je oksidacija počasnejša, se dalj časa se ohranijo primarne arome vina, bolj sadne, tiste, ki smo jih dobili pri primarni fermentaciji in so sortno značilne, počasi pa se dodajajo terciarne arome, ki so posledica sekundarne fermentacije, po briošu, kvasu, kruhu, maslu... Te niso dominantne in se lepše vkompnirajo v vino.«

Luka Ribolica, enolog na Domačiji Medot

Wine is a work of art!
Wine is a work of art!