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Evropski kmetijski sklad za razvoj podeželja: Evropa investira v podeželje
Prejemnik podpore iz Programa razvoja podeželja RS 2014–2020


Purchase of technological equipment for wine cellars under sub-measure 4.2 Support for investment in processing, marketing or development for 2021 for farms.


The farm has applied for a public tender for the purchase of technological equipment for a wine cellar. The purchase of the equipment will modernise the production of Medot brand sparkling wines and wines.

The investment was necessary to adapt to the market.


Wooden barrels and certain oenological equipment for processing grapes into wine and sparkling wines were purchased.


  • To modernise and increase the volume of processing of agricultural products;

  • to safeguard jobs and reduce the amount of manual labour;

  • increase the quality of wine;

  • innovation and mitigation of climate change by reducing GHG emissions.


  • Modernisation of the technological equipment of the wineries and increase in the quality of the wines;

  • increase in sales of sparkling wines;

  • Improvement of economic viability by achieving higher quality and quantity of sparkling wines and wines;

  • increase in exports;

  • reduced GHG emissions

European Commission website dedicated to the EAFRD ( http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/rural-development-2014-2020/index_sl.htm)

Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 website (www.program-podezelja.si/).